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Predator calls for Bird control
They are usually solar powered with rechargeable batteries to run during dark times. The repellers are ideal to keep pest pigeons and larger birds off of patio furniture; patio covers, even boats and docks. Flash tape is a visual deterrent that can be used in garden areas to keep pest birds away from plants and seeds. You can mount the flash tape on poles in your garden, as the breeze moves the pieces of shiny Mylar tape, the suns reflection off of the tape irritates the birds and they will stay away. Products designed to rid pest birds vary in price and scope and fall into the categories of bird deterrents and bird repellents. Certain areas had to be monitored constantly to make sure pigeon droppings weren’t infiltrating stadium concession areas, which could present safety code violations and cause fans to get sick. Fortunately, there are more humane solutions to ridding stadiums of pesky birds. These proven methods are more effective that taking up arms against feathered invaders.
A physical bird deterrent such as bird spikes or shock systems best deters pest birds roosting on flat surfaces such as ledges and parapet walls. Bird Spikes are economical and easy to install. They make it impossible for the birds to land so they move on to the next favorable roosting area. It is important to implement a pest bird control system as soon as birds are noticed hanging around food processing plants. Proven methods are more effective that taking up arms against feathered invaders. These are usually predator calls and distress calls played in short intervals. The sounds trigger the birds instincts to danger and they will go away. Be sure to get a sonic sound unit that is water proof and easy to program. You should be able to choose your target bird; pigeon, sparrow, crow or what ever bird you are having a problem with. The time and money spent to install some type of bird barrier is well worth the investment. In the long run it will save you all of the time and money spent each year on clean-up and repairs to the damage left behind by pest birds. Some bird barriers are easy to install while others may require a professional.. Contact your local pest control company to see if they a certified in bird control product installations. we noticed a growing accumulation of bird droppings. Since we were planning to paint out house soon, it seemed to be a smart thing to figure out how to best preserve the new paint and eliminate the messes on the ground as well. Netting bird Bird control Author is an executive with Wensil.com
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