Click Here For More Specific Information On: Mcg Parking Submitted by: Paul Benson There are in fact five different form of bankruptcy. Chapters 7, 9, 11, 12, and 13. Most people need only worry about chapter 7 or chapter 13. Generally, if you want to just wipe out all your debt (with exceptions like student…
Author: Admin
Scientology protest group celebrates founder’s birthday worldwide
Correction — March 19, 2008 The next protest is scheduled for April 12, 2008. The article below states April 18 which is incorrect. Saturday, March 15, 2008 The Internet group Anonymous today held further protests critical of the Church of Scientology. The global protests started in Australia where several hundred protesters gathered at different locations for…
Chinese government to safeguard old Beijing
Saturday, March 26, 2005 Beijing’s city legislature has approved a bill, one year in the making, to safeguard the historical and cultural heritage of old Beijing. The new 41-article set of regulations will come into effect May 1, requiring the city to protect listed heritage sites and unlisted sites deemed of historical or cultural value….
Tropical Storm Danny to threaten the U.S. East Coast this weekend
Wednesday, August 26, 2009 The U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) has declared an area of disturbed weather north of Puerto Rico Tropical Storm Danny today, skipping the tropical depression stage. A statement by the NHC said “a general northwestward motion with a decrease in forward speed is expected today and Thursday, with a turn toward…
Solar: Will It Ever Power Our Vehicles
Click Here For More Specific Information On: Distributed Energy Resources Australia Submitted by: Rick Chappo As solar power has matured as a technology, companies have started applying it to more than just houses. Acting as an energy platform for our transport was an obvious application. Solar: Will It Ever Power Our Vehicles As an active…
Egypt protests: Army say they will not use force on demonstrators as Mubarak announces cabinet
Tuesday, February 1, 2011 The president of Egypt has suffered a “devastating blow” after the country’s army announced they would not use force against their own people, who continue to protest against the government tonight. The news came hours after six journalists who reported on the protests were released from custody. Hosni Mubarak yesterday announced…
Scottish prosecutors keeping quiet about Lanarkshire surgical deaths
Wednesday, February 22, 2012 NOTE [ ? ] This article’s primary contributor has recently invoked the complaints process of a different regional NHS trust. However, he has never had any dealings with NHS Lanarkshire, has never been registered there, and has never received medical attention there. His only contact with NHS Lanarkshire has been seeking comment…
The Reason Why Meratol Is Different
Click Here For More Specific Information On: Security Cabinets Submitted by: Jennifer Poole Folks working on weight reduction often try various treatments that vary from the organic to the synthetic. Natural remedies involve having a healthy diet and hitting into a workout programme. These have their particular issues the biggest being the amount of discipline…
Wikinews Shorts: May 15, 2009
A compilation of brief news reports for Friday, May 15, 2009. California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger proposed budget cuts and layoffs for California yesterday. Californian education budgets would be cut by $3 billion USD for the next five years if California voters gave a yes votes to the budget-related measures for May 19’s special election. Schwarzenegger is…
Computer professionals celebrate 10th birthday of A.L.I.C.E.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005File:Turing1.jpg More than 50 programmers, scientists, students, hobbyists and fans of the A.L.I.C.E. chat robot gathered in Guildford, U.K. on Friday to celebrate the tenth birthday of the award winning A.I. On hand was the founder the Loebner Prize, an annual Turing Test, designed to pick out the world’s most human computer…