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Copywriting Devices to Make Your Profits Better
Van Taras
Nobody said that you can\’t use copywriting to your advantage without first learning absolutely everything about it. Even if you\’re more of a manager who outsources everything, you still should know how to recognize effective copy. This is a huge mistake that a lot of people make because they only want to think up major ideas and then market them. There isn\’t anything inherently wrong with this, but smart people should have at least a small clue about what they are putting into the marketplace. So learn these powerful and always helpful copywriting lessons.
Action is the last part of AIDA and nothing happens without the action you want your prospect to take. This is also related to your most desired response from your reader (prospect). The desired outcome doesn\’t have to be a sale; you can want people to opt-in. There is no way to force your prospects and readers to take action so finding success here is all about your copy. Actually, this is the part of AIDA that isn\’t as difficult as the others because you are allowed to tell your readers and prospective buyers what you want from them or want them to do. You probably already know about this: it is called the call to action. This depends on your product and your audience, though, and you might need to keep things toned down or use wholly other copy. Don\’t just say “Buy Now!”; test some softer and less demanding types of copy too.
It\’s easy to fall under the spell of false logic–we all do it and it has probably happened more often than we\’d like to admit. In the world of advertising and copywriting, false logic centers on previously held ideas and perspectives. Most customers aren\’t able to stop or think about the different arguments that are being held over the points people want to make. And that\’s why it works so well when people use it in advertising and why they have been employing this technique for practically ever. One example of false logic is that “over a million” of the product has been sold within the last three months. Wow, that sounds pretty good, so it must be good, worth it, and it must work. A million sold means just that: a million have been sold. There may be no mention about the class action lawsuit because it causes cancer, or whatever.
Having a USP (unique selling position) can be what saves your business. These are just about everywhere and, for the most part, they don\’t get the job done. They are failures because the person who thought up that USP had no idea how to go about creating a good one. There are a few different factors for your USP that you are going to need to communicate, so let\’s focus on what “unique” means. Your product and service both matter here and you must obviously offer something unique for it. Even if you\’re selling pizzas, you have to find something that is unique. This should be something that your competition either cannot or will not do. There are many ways you can find this in your product or service – you have to think about it. Very few copywriters hit the mark with the first draft of any copy they write. Sometimes great copywriters will fail miserably when writing copy. So, you\’re in good company if your copy fails to produce what you hoped for. In the end, you will become proficient, but it takes practice and determination to write great sales copy. To your success!
Chris Ambrose is a freelance
. When not writing, he can be found exploring the countryside and restaurants of the small island of Malta. Follow this link to read more ofhis articles.
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