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By Susan Chen
In this high paced and sometimes detached world, many children are often neglected by parents and society and left to fend for themselves. These kids fall through the cracks of society and feel left out of their peer groups. The unfortunate result is that many often start running with the wrong group and running afoul of the law.
When a child between the ages of ten and eighteen commits a crime, the act is described in legal term as delinquency and the matter is resolved through the intervention of the juvenile court.
Because of the tenderness of the child’s age, these cases are treated and resolved differently. The lawyer also cannot afford to treat these juvenile delinquency cases like he or she would iany other usual crime case involving an adult:
* Juvenile delinquency is a delicate matter, yet it is an issue that calls for special knowledge and expertise.
* The juvenile lawyer needs to be empathetic and understanding towards the child as he or she acts and behaves differently from other children of his age.
* He should have good working knowledge of child psychology in order to be of any help to the child.
* When a child commits a crime, it becomes the responsibility of the lawyer to get to the root of the child’s problems and to weed out any factors in the child’s environment and relations that had any role, direct or indirect, in turning the child into a delinquent.
Sometimes the stress of committing the crime may numb the child’s senses internally and he may often withdraw within himself after having committing the crime. In this case the role of the lawyer is of utmost importance:
* The lawyer must have a special ability to find his way into the deepest point of the child’s heart and mind.
* Juvenile lawyers are specially trained to bring to light the background and circumstances that prompted the child to commit crime.
* In an effort to bring the child out of his shell and to open up, the lawyer can seek the help of doctors and child psychiatrists. This helps the lawyer to gather the missing links in order to put all the pieces of the puzzles together.
* The juvenile lawyer must be very transparent in his presentation. He must be extremely logical in recreating the sequences that led to the crime.
It has become a strong concern among leading sociologists in the USA about the increasing number of child delinquency cases. Generally the delinquent child is exposed to an unusual environment that molds his mind and behavior in an abnormal and often socially unacceptable way. So the emotional aspect of the child has to be focused upon in order to understand the child’s motive or trigger for committing the crime. Thus ultimately it rests in the hands of the lawyer to draw the sympathy of the jury in order to acquit the child or to be more lenient. The end goal of the lawyer in these cases of juvenile delinquency is to frame the case in a manner that the child is not susceptible to strong legal actions.
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