Click Here For More Specific Information On: Financial Planner Sydney Best Financial Advice By Josh Neumann To forget is human but if it happens all the time you need to take some serious action. From your Doctor’s Appointment, business meeting or getting clothes from the dry cleaners if you miss on one thing you may…
News briefs:August 18, 2006
The time is 17:00 (UTC) on August 18th, 2006, and this is Audio Wikinews News Briefs. Contents 1 Headlines 1.1 North Korea to accept international aid 1.2 North Korea reportedly planning nuclear bomb test 1.3 Chechen rebels surrender 1.4 Canadian soldier killed in accidental shooting laid to rest 1.5 US senators on Greenland tour 1.6…
Commonwealth Bank of Australia CEO apologies for financial planning scandal
Thursday, July 3, 2014 Ian Narev, the CEO of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, this morning “unreservedly” apologised to clients who lost money in a scandal involving the bank’s financial planning services arm. Last week, a Senate enquiry found financial advisers from the Commonwealth Bank had made high-risk investments of clients’ money without the clients’…
U.S. Housing prices down 9% since February
Sunday, June 26, 2005 The median house price in the United States plunged 6.5% in May to $217,000. In February of 2005, the median price of a home was $237,300. The Economist newspaper said in its June 16th issue; “In other words, it looks like the biggest bubble in history.” by way of reference to…
Be Aware Of The Dangers Of Material Handling
BE AWARE OF The Dangers Of Material Handling by Bahrns Handling material operations is a continuous flow of parts and assemblies. The efficiency of they store and handle the materials matters a lot today in the industry. If materials are not handled with proper care can create a very unsafe environment. A process that includes…
24 error messages sent by Flight 447
Saturday, June 6, 2009 French authorities have today revealed that Air France Flight 447 sent 24 error messages shortly before the plane disappeared during the flight between Rio de Janeiro and Paris with 228 people on board. They also said that the plane’s auto-pilot was not active, although they say that from the error messages…
Australian Labor Party shelves government oversight of media legislation
Friday, March 22, 2013 A package of six media reform bills introduced last week before Australia’s Parliament — including one proposing appointing a Public Interest Media Advocate (PIMA) to monitor print and online sectors — was shelved yesterday by the Australian Labor Party, with only two passed before a seven week break for the country’s…
FDA recalls foreign meat used in aid for victims of Hurricane Katrina
Monday, September 26, 2005 The American Food and Drug Administration has recalled operational rations (MREs) donated by Britain to help survivors of Hurricane Katrina. The Daily Mirror insinuated that the majority of the 400,000 rations donated by Britain, at a cost of millions of pounds, are set to be destroyed at a plant in Little…
Click Here For More Specific Information On: Fruit Juicer Best Juicer Submitted by: Mario Oreilly Trying to get a blender to explain what his or her job involves is never easy. Not because they are secretive, far from it. They’re almost relieved to have a chance to tell their story. It’s just that the intricacies…
Frenchman climbs skyscraper in 20 minutes without any equipment
Tuesday, August 31, 2010 File:FrenchSpiderMan HongKong.jpg 48-year old Alain Robert, affectionately known as the ‘French Spiderman’, has climbed a 57-storey {[w|Sydney}} skyscraper without any equipment in 20 minutes. The purpose of Alain Robert’s actions was to raise awareness of global warming. Following the previous like events in other cities, he was arrested and will possibly…